Thursday, July 29, 2004

Intern pictures

It is a tradition here each semester for Donna to take pictures of all the interns.  Yesterday was also intern picture day.  We decided it would be fun for all the girls to wear bright t-shirts and jeans while the guys wore dress shirts and ties.  This was awesome because I finally have pictures of all the interns.  It's kinda tough to take pictures with 9 people, but lots of fun.  Anyway, here are some pictures:

At my host family's backyard (not on intern picture day, but we're all there)
(Just to let you know: (from left) Ivan, me, Dave, Jenni, Will, Lisa, HoJun, Adam, Matthew) 
On the office stairs
Doing a Can-Can line
With the mountains in the background (it would be a good picture if there weren't a lamp coming out of Ivan's head)


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